Gruppo di Studio sulla Ipertensione Arteriosa

della Societa' Italiana di Nefrologia


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Gli studi clinici su nefropatia ed ipertensione anno
I lavori che collegano ipertensione e malattie renali su "Pub Med" nel 2002 (review o metanalisi)  
Clinical results of the Verapamil inHypertension and Atherosclerosis Study. VHAS Investigators Agabiti-Rose E, VHAS, Hypertens 1997 Nov;15(11): 1997
The Verapamil in Hypertension and Atherosclerosis Study (VHAS): results of long-term randomized treatment with either verapamil or chlorthalidone on carotid intima-media thickness. Zanchetti A, VHAS Hypertens 1997 Nov;15(11): 1997
Tight blood pressure control and risk of macrovascular and microvascular complications in type 2 diabetes: UKPDS 38. UK Prospective Diabetes Study Group UKDPS BMJ 1998 Sep 12;317(7160):703-13 1998
The effect of nisoldipine as compared with enalapril on cardiovascular outcomes in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes and hypertension ABCD study, N Engl J Med 1998 Mar 5;338(10):645-52   1998
Effects of intensive blood-pressure lowering and low-dose aspirin in patients with hypertension: principal results of the Hypertension Optimal Treatment (HOT) randomised trial. HOT Study Group Lancet 1998 Jun 13;351(9118):1755-62 Hansson L) 1998
Randomized double-blind comparison of a calcium antagonist and a diuretic in elderly hypertensives. National Intervention Cooperative Study in Elderly Hypertensives Study Group. NICS-EH study Hypertension 1999 Nov;34(5):1129-33 1999
Randomised trial of old and new antihypertensive drugs in elderly patients: cardiovascular mortality and morbidity the Swedish Trial in Old Patients with Hypertension-2 study  STOP2 Lancet 1999 Nov 20;354(9192):1751-6 1999

Effect of angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibition compared with conventional therapy on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in hypertension: the Captopril Prevention Project (CAPPP) randomised trial CAPPP), Lancet 1999 Feb 20;353(9153):611-6

Randomised controlled trial of dual blockade of renin-angiotensin system in patients with hypertension, microalbuminuria, and non-insulin dependent diabetes: the candesartan and lisinopril microalbuminuria (CALM) study
BMJ 2000;321:1440-1444 ( 9 December )
Effects of ACE inhibitors, calcium antagonists, and other blood-pressure-lowering drugs: results of prospectively designed overviews of randomised trials.  BP Lowering Treatment Trialist Collaboration Lancet 2000 Dec 9;356(9246):1955-64 2000
Risks of untreated and treated isolated systolic hypertension in the elderly: meta-analysis of outcome trials. Staessen et al Lancet 2000 Mar 11;355(9207):865-72 2000
Morbidity and mortality in patients randomised to double-blind treatment with a long-acting calcium-channel blocker or diuretic in the International Nifedipine GITS study: Intervention as a Goal in Hypertension Treatment (INSIGHT).
Lancet 2000 Aug 5;356(9228):514
Randomised trial of effects of calcium antagonists compared with diuretics and beta-blockers on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in hypertension: the Nordic Diltiazem (NORDIL) study.
Lancet 2000 Jul 29;356(9227):359-65
Pubblicato lo studio RENAAL, presentazione e slide (solo per medici) Effects of Losartan on Renal and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Nephropathy
NEJM Volume 345:861-869 September 20, 2001 Number 12
Pubblicato lo studio sull'Irbesartan Renoprotective Effect of the Angiotensin-Receptor Antagonist Irbesartan in Patients with Nephropathy Due to Type 2 Diabetes
NEJM Volume 345:851-860 September 20, 2001 Number 12

The Effect of Irbesartan on the Development of Diabetic Nephropathy in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
NEJM Volume 345:870-878 September 20, 2001 Number 12

Cardiovascular protection and blood pressure reduction: a meta-analysis
: Lancet 2001 Oct 20;358(9290):1305-15 Staessen JA, Wang JG, Thijs L.
Blood-pressure lowering for the secondary prevention of stroke.
Lancet. 2001 Sep 29;358(9287):1026-7 Staessen JA, Wang J.
Effects on blood pressure of reduced dietary sodium and the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet. DASH-Sodium Collaborative Research Group N Engl J Med 2001 Jan 4;344(1):3-10 2001
Grazie a:
MRC/BHF Heart Protection Study Preliminary Results
The MRC/BHF Heart Protection Study is much the largest trial in the world of cholesterol-lowering therapy and of antioxidant vitamin supplementation in people at increased risk of heart disease.
Grazie a
Overview of the LIIFE (The Losartan Intervention for Endpoint reduction) in hypertension study
Prognostic Significance of Renal Function in Elderly Patients with Isolated Systolic Hypertension: Results from the Syst-Eur Trial
Peter W. de Leeuw, Lutgarde Thijs, Willem H. Birkenhäger, Sophia M. Voyaki, Aris D. Efstratopoulos, Robert H. Fagard, Gastone Leonetti, Choudomir Nachev, James C. Petrie, José L. Rodicio, Joseph J. Rosenfeld, Cinzia Sarti, and Jan A. Staessen
J Am Soc Nephrol 13: 2213-2222 A general review of the topic discussed in this article is available through UpToDate in Nephrology.
Current Concepts: Renal Dysfunction Complicating the Treatment of Hypertension
B. F. Palmer
NEJM Volume 347 October 17, 2002 Number 16
The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension diet lowered systolic blood pressure in stage-1 isolated systolic hypertension
ACP Journal Club. 2002 Mar-Apr;136:48. Moore TJ, Conlin PR, Ard J, Svetkey LP, for the DASH Collaborative Research Group. DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet is effective treatment for stage 1 isolated systolic hypertension. Hypertension. 2001 Aug;38:155-8.

PubMed ID: 11509468]

Reduced sodium intake lowered blood pressure and need for antihypertensive medication
ACP Journal Club. 2001 Sep-Oct;135:61. Appel LJ, Espeland MA, Easter L, et al. Effects of reduced sodium intake on hypertension control in older individuals. Results from the Trial of Nonpharmacologic Interventions in the Elderly (TONE). Arch Intern Med. 2001 Mar 12;161:685-93

PubMed ID: 11231700]

Major outcomes in high-risk hypertensive patients randomized to angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor or calcium channel blocker vs diuretic: The Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to Prevent Heart Attack Trial (ALLHAT).
JAMA. 2002 Dec 18;288(23):2981-97.
PMID: 12479763 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Appel LJ.
The verdict from ALLHAT--thiazide diuretics are the preferred initial therapy for hypertension.JAMA. 2002 Dec 18;288(23):3039-42. No abstract available.
Jama Editorial

Nakao N, Yoshimura A, Morita H, Takada M, Kayano T, Ideura T.
Combination treatment of angiotensin-II receptor blocker and angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitor in non-diabetic renal disease (COOPERATE): a randomised controlled trial.
Lancet. 2003 Jan 11;361(9352):117-24



Bloch MJ, Basile J.
The diagnosis and management of renovascular disease: a primary care perspective. Part I. Making the diagnosis.
J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2003 May-Jun;5(3):210-8.
PROGRESS Collaborative Group.
Effects of a perindopril-based blood pressure lowering regimen on cardiac outcomes among patients with cerebrovascular disease.
Eur Heart J. 2003 Mar;24(5):475-84.
PROGRESS Collaborative Group.
Randomised trial of a perindopril-based blood-pressure-lowering regimen among 6,105 individuals with previous stroke or transient ischaemic attack.
Lancet. 2001 Sep 29;358(9287):1033-41. Erratum in: Lancet 2001 Nov 3;358(9292):1556. Lancet 2002 Jun 15;359(9323):2120. Summary for patients in: Can Fam Physician. 2002 Oct;48:1625-9.